Mayari Moon Oils for Enhancing Meditation

Meditation is a powerful practice that allows us to find inner peace, reduce stress, and cultivate mindfulness. While there are various techniques to deepen your meditation experience, integrating Mayari Moon Oils can take it to a whole new level. Essential oils have been used for centuries for their therapeutic properties, and their aromatic scents can help create a soothing and focused atmosphere.

Choose the Right Oils

When selecting oils for meditation, opt for scents that promote relaxation, calmness, and mental clarity. Some popular choices include Trinity, Bliss, Euphoria, and Goddess. Experiment with different oils to find the ones that resonate best with you and evoke the desired state of mind.

Create a Calm Environment

Before starting your meditation, ensure that you have a peaceful environment free from distractions. Clear your space and dim the lights if possible. Consider using a diffuser to release the scent gently into the air. This will help set the mood and create a serene atmosphere for your practice.

Direct Inhalation

One of the simplest ways to use essential oils during meditation is through direct inhalation. Apply a drop or two of your chosen oil onto your palms, rub them together, and cup your hands over your nose. Take deep, slow breaths, allowing the aroma to fill your senses. Focus on the inhalation and exhalation, allowing the scent to guide you into a state of tranquility.


A diffuser is a popular tool for dispersing essential oils throughout a room, allowing you to benefit from their scent continuously. Fill your diffuser with water and add a few drops of your preferred oil. Start the diffuser before you begin your meditation, allowing the aroma to fill the space. Choose a diffuser with a timer, so it shuts off automatically after your session. 

Aromatic Bath
Another delightful way to incorporate Mayari Moon Oils into your meditation routine is by taking an aromatic bath beforehand. Add a few drops of your oil to warm bathwater and immerse yourself in the relaxing ambiance. Let the soothing scent envelop you as you prepare your mind and body for a deeper meditation experience.
Mayari Moon Intention Sprays
Mist the air around you before you begin your meditation or gently spray it on your meditation cushion or blanket. The fine mist will infuse the environment with a subtle fragrance that can help ease your mind and deepen your practice.

Consider anointing specific points on your body with Mayari Moon Oils before meditation. Apply a to your temples, wrists, or the soles of your feet. As you rub the oil into your skin, take a moment to connect with the scent and set an intention for your meditation. This ritual can help ground and center you as you embark on your meditation journey.

Everyone's response to essential oils may vary, so it's important to listen to your body and use oils that resonate with you personally. Experiment with different blends to and methods to find the combination that supports your meditation practice best. Embrace the synergy of essential oils and meditation, and allow their aromatic properties to enhance your path to inner peace and self-discovery.

Mo Angeles

I’m Mo, the owner of Mayari Moon Alchemy where we focus on self-care, self-love, motivation and manifesting your dreams. I’ve lovingly created a brand of Meditation Beauty Oils that have been instrumental in catapulting my healing journey these last couple of years. It started as a fun hobby to make healing gifts for those I hold most dear and soon transformed into a brand. I began to discover different uses for the oils and intentionally created inspiring magical blends to enhance the life journey. Mayari Moon Alchemy now carries most blends in Spray and Diffuser Oils and will soon offer special facial oils and body creams.

I bring my expertise as a Registered Nurse for nearly 20 years as I blend East and West modalities in creating oil blends. I have a specialized background in Chemistry, Microbiology as well as Cardiology and I’m also a Mystic Channel skilled in tarot. Mayari Moon Alchemy was created to help ground, motivate, heal and meditate. I use these blends daily in my meditation and Reiki sessions to amplify love, peace, power, protection, femininity, and intuition. Each blend is formulated for different intentions, charged with New Moon energy, and Reiki-blessed. The power of love is magic. You will feel the amazing energy as you incorporate our oils into your personal meditation, beauty and spiritual practice. I’m so excited to share all of my heart with you!

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